Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bones to Philosophy, Milk to Faith

Today the Western Christian church celebrates the doctrine of the Trinity: that God is three, yet one. Distinct, yet united, co-eternal, and co-equal.

We've been studying the Trinity in class all semester, but its inner workings still does my head in. Yet we cannot do without it, else our faith falls flat. It scaffolds our understanding of the unique relational Christian God. But it's so confusing, something luminous that is beyond our reason, tho' not irrational.

So I rejoiced in hearing these serpentine lines being read in church today. I echo something of dear ol' John's sentiments: even if I am too stupid to fathom the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit nevertheless surround me, and invites me to enter into their eternal dance of love, power and joy.

O Blessed glorious Trinity,
Bones to philosophy, but milk to faith,
Which, as wise serpents, diversely
Most slipperiness, yet most entanglings hath,
As you distinguished undistinct
By power, love, knowledge be,
Give me such a self different instinct,
Of these let all me elemented be,
Of power, to love, to know, you unnumbered three.

- John Donne.

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