Friday, December 11, 2009


Let the music stop
The ghastly clamour cease

For one moment.

Put down the bow
Untune the string
Muffle drum and dampen keys.

Let stillness reign.
Let silence hang.

Erase flesh and beating heart
Chill the blood which throbs in vain.

Throw down the baton
And mark today

With a stop.

Put in the rest notes
Count the beats
I am tired, and in want of sleep.

Four beats of stillness
Let my mind be freed

A two-quavered hiatus
Let shattered body heal

A dotted breve
To solidify my soul

And into the mute void
The lion's roar.

A new sound.



  1. Beautiful. First half reminds me strongly of Auden's 'Funeral Blues'.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Nate. Yep, definitely lots of Auden going on there. What's that they say about writing - mostly it's borrowing and imitating others, until one begins to find something that is one's own?

    Anyway. Glad that you enjoyed it.
